Business Website for a client

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

A fully responsive bilingual business website was created for a client. The website was designed by me and built using HTML, CSS which includes some transitions, and JavaScript.

Dictionary project gif

Finance App

React, Firebase (authentication, database, storage), Sass

A personal finance app where a user can track finances, set savings goals and debt payoff by logging in and only seeing their own data. Firebase is used for authentication, database and storage.

Dictionary project gif


React, APIs, CSS

Responsive dictionary app was created using React with the integration of two APIs (dictionary, pexels). One API provides definitions, examples and phonetics, whilst the other one provides photographs. Each component is styled individually.

Weather forecast for Monaco

Weather Forecast

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, API

A responsive Weather App shows current time and weather information at your current geolocation or at any other place you search. It also shows weather forecast with highest and lowest possible temperature in the next 5 days. The data shown is obtained from OpenWeather API.

Bled Website

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

A multi-page website about my favorite place on the planet. It includes information about most popular things to see and do, about its history, how to get there and a page with a contact form. It was built using HTML, CSS and has SEO applied to it.


Advanced React Development

The main focus of this course was React, React, React with integration of two APIs. I learnt to create and style components individually.

Responsive Web Development

Creation of a fully responsive website by implementing Bootstrap and SEO techniques. The project was pushed to GitHub and hosted on Netlify.

Web Development

This course was based on learning how to create an app using HTML, CSS, Advanced JavaScript, Bootstrap and integrating a weather API. Throughout the course the code was pushed to GitHub regularly and the website was hosted on Netlify.

Introduction to Coding

Throughout this course I gained basic knowledge of programming which included HTML, CSS, JavaScript. At the end of the course I was able to independetly build an interactive website.



  • CS50's Introduction to Computer Science by David J. Malan at Harvard University on edX
  • Creative Coding by Bruno Imbrizi
  • The Ultimate JavaScript Animation Course by Simo Edwin


  • UX Research 101 by Patricia Reiners
  • Interface Design for Websites and Apps by Francisco Aguilera G.


Feel free to get in touch with me via my email below :)